Legal Disclaimer
Opinions and views that are expressed on the ACCA CTI+ 2009 weblog are personal views and opinions held by the bloggers. This blog is not the official policy or opinion of the Charles Telfair Institute. While the weblog medium allows authors to be uninhibited, your name will appear under everything you write and you will be responsible for your own words. What you write becomes part of a public, permanent record. It might well be there for eternity. Vulgarity, profanity and discriminatory remarks are not allowed and will be monitored.
Opinions will not be censored but those that do not abide by these guidelines will be removed, especially those that do not conform to the on/off the record policy. All content on sites linked to the ACCA CTI+ 2009 Blog, regardless of their authors' affiliation with Charles Telfair Institute or any organization, are not endorsed by the Institute. Whatever you post may be taken as reference or can be used by anyone.
If you disagree with any part of the disclaimer, you can email us your query and we will look into the matter.
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