Sunday, May 17, 2009

Food for thought!

If you believe you’re not happy, look at them!

If you think you’ve a low salary, what’s his?

If you believe you don’t have many friends…

When you lose hope, think of this man…

If you believe life is a suffering, do you suffer as much as him?

If you’re not satisfied with your means of transport, what do you think of theirs?

If you think that life has been unfair with you, did she receive a better treatment?

Live life as it is!
(The materials and images that I have used in this post have been extracted from a powerpoint presentation which I obtained from the Amnesty International Mauritius Section.)


  1. You should be referencing this article! I got it from a forwarded email long ago! It's a sort of plagiarism.

  2. Actually, it's a powerpoint presentation which is being passed around via mail to raise awareness about poverty worldwide. The presentation is meant for sensitising people about poverty and its free for use. That's why I've used its pictures and translated part of its wordings into English. But thanks for the info, I've added the source.

  3. People often complain about being poor but these images give a real picture of the ravages caused by poverty worldwide. I strongly believe that we should be concerned about the plight of the victims of poverty and we must do what we can to help them.

  4. This is a clear and powerful image drawn of people who suffer from poverty, namely Africans. Wish it will raise awareness of people who still are not satisfied of the living conditions and continue spending their money in futile things...

  5. sheik i do agree with aarti though the content is good.

  6. These pictures make us realise how lucky we are but sometimes, by being too egoist, we don't think about the number of people who are actually roaming the poverty belts of the world. I think that people shoud start changing the way they see things!

  7. These pictures make us realise how lucky we are. Unfortunately, by being too egoist, we don't think about those people who are actually roaming the poverty belts of the world. I think that people should change the way they see things!
